How Do You Know if it is Time to Upgrade your Phone System?

You think you might need a new phone system, but you are not sure. See if any of these 7 signs resonate with you… and if they do, it’s probably time for a new one…

  1. The most obvious one, of course, is can your phone system make all of the phone calls you need to make? What I mean by this: the requirements you had when you first bought the system years ago may not be the same requirements you have today. You likely have more requirements. So can the phone system handle these new requirements?
  1. Are you starting to ‘notice’ your phone system? For many small and medium businesses, the phone system is likely in some kind of computer or telco ‘closet’. If everything is working great, then you don’t even notice it. But if you ‘notice’ it, that means it’s having some issues.
  1. Does your vendor doesn’t even offer maintenance contract anymore? This could be an issue since your phone system could fail you.
  1. Very important these days: does your phone system support mobility? That is the ability of your office phone number to ring on your smartphone and on your computer and for you to make phone calls out from those devices with the office phone number. Especially these days that is important because this is key for enabling a remote office.
  1. Are you paying for functionality that you shouldn’t be? For instance, mobility that I mentioned above. Chat functionality. File sharing. You shouldn’t have to pay more for that.
  1. Are you finding that you need some basic contact center functionality now? Such as setting up call queues, and call backs to customers on hold.
  1. Are you paying too much for your monthly phone charges? PSTN connections to your business cost more than SIP (internet) connections to your business. If you want to save money on these monthly charges, moving to a modern IP-based phone system is the way to go.

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