It’s getting to be that time of year!
With the changing weather, some of us are thinking about summer with excitement, others about winter with trepidation. Regardless of which hemisphere you live in though, it’s time to start thinking about Asterisk 16!
If you hadn’t noticed, we’ve updated the Asterisk Versions wiki page with the timeline for Asterisk 16. While the release date is a ways out (October 17th), feature freeze is scheduled for July 18th and that’s only 3 months away. So if you’re an Asterisk developer, it’s time to start thinking about features you’d like to get into the release. If you’re a user, integrator, packager, etc, you might want to check out the current Github Asterisk master branch and look through the CHANGES and UPGRADE files to see what’s coming up.
A little too early for you? Don’t worry! We’ll be sending more reminders.
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